Alright Pilates fans, March MATness is here!  
Every day in March, participants across the global Pilates community will be sharing content related to Joseph Pilates traditional Mat exercises.   A different exercise will be posted each day, taking us through the full 34 positions of the traditional Mat work.  Have some fun and get down to the mat and experience the challenge of the Pilates Mat work.
Today, Day 1 of March MATness, we’re featuring #thehundred.   This movement is a total body warmup, as it’s a breathing exercise designed to wake up the body, fill the lungs with fresh air and get rid of the old stale air.
Lay down, lengthen your legs away from you on your mat as you lift you nod your chin, lift your  head, neck and chest up into our scooped position.   You should only scoop up as high as the bottom of your shoulder blades.  If this is too much of a strain on your neck. you can keep your head down for a few breaths and lift up for one breathe cycle.   If you can lift your legs without your back arching off the mat, do so and take them to a comfortable level. (You can of course move your legs into tabletop as needed during the movement.)   Keep legs pressed together and think of the legs reaching away, instead of lifting up.   Pump your arms vigorously as your fingers lengthen towards your toes. 5 big pumps as you slowly inhale, 5 big pumps as you slowly exhale. That’s one count. Repeat for 10 breath cycles – hence the 100!
Inhale and exhale deeply but calmly – in opposition to the rapid arm movement. The movement can be done with variations for the legs if you need to – start in tabletop, extend legs up to the ceiling, lower legs down to a comfortable yet slightly challenging position.   If keeping your head up today is a challenge, your can have your head down and work up to lifting the head for a breath or two, then put it back down.  During the movement focus on wrapping the abdominals as you exhale and staying lifted as you inhale.  Get those arms and lungs working.   Enjoy the movement!